You are not who you were and you are not yet who you will be.

You are becoming.

Everyone is on a Journey.

Age, education, career, family. We all start somewhere and end up somewhere else. That’s what a journey is. Sometimes we get there on purpose and sometimes on accident.

We can Journey with Intention.

Have you noticed that your most profound self discovery 'ahas' come as a result of an activity or experience that pushed you.  The harder the push, the bigger the aha! You know the aha we are talking about, those moments when a part of yourself that you didn't really understand or even know existed  comes more into focus and your own hopes and dreams for yourself step into the light for, perhaps, the first time. What if we had more experiences selected on purpose and designed with intention that invited us to step further down the path of becoming and into our more authentic selves?

The Journey is Better Together.

We believe that community is a super power. When we make community the foundation, we enhance and enrich our personal journey. We learn from each other, we celebrate with each other, and we gather courage from each other for the journey we are on.

How do we fit in?

Becoming Me is a place where you can find thoughtfully designed experiences and tools for the journey inside of a dedicated community. We are passionate about you. We are passionate about your journey. We hope you will allow us to be a part of who you are becoming, and an integral part of your travels.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver

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Let’s commit the radical act of living a fulfilling life… together!

© 2022 Becoming Me Community

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