Becoming Me: a Guide, a Map, and a Toolbox

You believe, like we do, that we are all on a journey, that it’s possible to journey with intention, and that the journey is better together. Now you’re wondering where Becoming Me fits in! Think of it like this: when you set out to climb Mount Everest, you’d want to make sure you had a few things. Namely, you’d want a guide, a map, and the tools necessary to make it to the top.

A Guide

A great guide helps you on your journey by making sure you look ahead to your ultimate destination, know what pitfalls to watch out for along the way, and a *truly* great guide helps you meet and overcome the challenges and obstacles you will inevitabley face. That’s what your Becoming Me guides are here to do as well!

A Map

A map is only as useful as you make it. You may have the worlds best map laid out in front of you, but you need to know a few things to use it well: your ultimate destination, your current position, and the journey you want to be on. Your Becoming Me guides know this and will help you design the journey.

A Toolbox

If you’re going to build a house, you’ll need a hammer (ok, and some other stuff too). Showing up to the task at hand without the proper tools is likely to lead to frustration, disappointment, and failure. Our journey to become is no different. We are more likely to find success, fulfillment, and balance when we are properly equipped for the journey. Becoming Me will deliver  tools for your toolbox that you can put into use right away to make progress on the path.

You’re Ready, Let’s Go!

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver

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Let’s commit the radical act of living a fulfilling life… together!

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